Bassline Explorer

I’ve been working on an idea for a Eurorack module to use with my X0x Heart.

I decided to knock together a quick HTML/JavaScript test of the basic concepts. A month later, and I find I’ve got a bit distracted by the intricacies of JS and PHP, and CSS and HTML, and not even started trying to translate anything to hardware. No great surprise, there. I have managed to prove that the idea Does work quite well, though.

Connect up a MIDI synth (or useĀ a VST/AU in some software host) and see what you think.

Note: the MID-file recording feature isn’t working yet.

It uses Web MIDI, which is only currently natively implemented in recent-ish versions of Chrome. You will need to install the Jazz MIDI plugin, to use the page in other browsers, unfortunately. I hope Web MIDI will be natively supported in other major browsers soon (but suspect it’s not a big priority for developers, sadly).

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